Sample Text

I think I was searching through an attic to find some VHS that I could make fun of, until I spotted a tape that said "Sample Text." Of course, I didn't think nothing bad happened in this tape, but I was wrong. In fact, what you are about to read might traumatize you.
So I put the tape in, but there was some odd things. It had some off beat music that felt very unsettling. It cuts to Spongebob walking by his house, except he didn't look like Spongebob at all. He had these weird things with his breasts, and he kept stretching them saying "You gotta look beautiful for Mr. Krabs. You gotta look beautiful for Mr. Krabs."
Then Spongebob asks how Patrick is doing. Patrick looks oddly realistic, and has a very long tongue. And he doesn't even speak words, it's more like he speaks as if though he was mentally ill.
Spongebob then had this poorly cropped mouth over him saying "Let's go do some masturbation." Then everything he said after that seemed inaudible with Patrick looking down in a very sad way.
It cuts to Squidward, who's eyes look like they're bleeding, with some kind of weird noise in the background. Then Patrick stares into Squidward's window. After a few seconds, Spongebob starts laughing, and then loud screaming afterards.
Next, something that looks like Squidward's clarinet starts talking to him. The clarinet has a distorted voice, Squidward looked like he was crying during all of this.
There was just a shadow of Squidward, and he had a gun to his head saying 'It's not fair clarinet! Could've been big! Could've ruled the world. If it wasn't for these useless feet." Then Squidward shot himself. And the clarinet was enjoyed with his death.
Then it zoomed out of Squidward's house, and there was a psychedelic mess in the back ground. Spongebob and Patrick were dancing while there was a high-pitched voice saying "Mr. Krabs."
Then I burned the tape in a fire, and I never wanted to see the horror that was what I just saw.
Then a skeleton popped out.
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